-5-6 Apr- Gun and Knife show. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in kitchen, POC: 1st Vice Commander Steven Shortt.
-12 April- 3rd Annual “Be The One” Suicide Prevention Charity Ride and Car Show. Starts in Fayetteville, ends American Legion Post 265 with car/truck/motorcycle show. Food trucks on site. If interested in helping out or to get info on entering a vehicle contact: Chris Channell (252)503-5323. Ride Flyer, Car Show Flyer, Vendor Flyer
- 26 Apr- BUNCO 6:00 food, 7:00 game starts. Bring a food dish to share. POC is Connie the bartender.
-26 March-4:00-7:00 PM, Veterans Town Hall, Morgan Hall VFW post 9960. 246 VFW road Cedar Point.
-27 March-2:00 PM, Retiree Health Care Town Hall. Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune (hospital) Galley.
-29 March-Ceremony starts at 11:00, Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Celebration. Wayne County Museum, 116 N William St Goldsboro NC.
-29 March-FREE Sandwich for Vietnam Vets at Jacksonville Mission BBQ.
-19 Apr-11:00-2:00, Legion Riders cooking hot dogs at New River Harley Davidson, donations accepted. Gun Raffle tickets on sale.
-24-27 Apr-Wall that heals in Winterville.
-26 Apr-10:00, Vietnam Veteran’s Recognition Day. Location: Lejeune Memorial Gardens.
-8-10 May-Veterans Experience Action Center (VEAC). National Guard Armory, 2412 Infantry Rd. Wilmington NC. More info to follow.
If you know of any events that would benefit Veterans please send details to the 1st Vice Commander and the Webmaster.