UpComing Events at Post 265 located at 146 Broadhurt Rd Jacksonville, NC

-4 Feb-Veteran Stand Down. 1000-1100 Veterans Only, 1100-1400 open to public.

-15-16 Feb-Gun and Knife show. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in kitchen, POC: Finance Officer Jerry Griffin.

-15 Feb- 6:00 PM-Bunko in the lounge. POC: Connie

-1 Mar 11:00AM-2:00PM-American Legion Auxiliary Unit 265 Spaghetti dinner. Price $10.00 includes spaghetti, salad, bread, & desert. Tickets at the door or early purchase by seeing an auxiliary member or call (910)333-6451 or (910)347-5690. Details at Spaghetti Dinner Flyer

-15 Mar- American Legion Birthday dinner. POC: Commander Dallas Gaynor. Details at Anniversary Dinner Menu

-5-6 Apr- Gun and Knife show. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED in kitchen, POC: Finance Officer Jerry Griffin.

UpComing Events for Veterans

-1 Feb- 7:15AM- Retiree breakfast. MCB Camp Lejeune.

-1 Feb-8:00AM to 12:00PM, American Legion Post 78 at 650 W. Corbett Ave, Swansboro. Pancake fundraiser supporting BSA troops 3 & 713. Price $10.00 includes pancakes and sausage. Tickets at the door. Details at Event Flyer

8 Feb- 9:00AM-3:00PM, tasting starts at 12:00. American Legion Riders competing in New River Harley Davidson Chili Cook Off. Gun Raffle tickets go on sale, see a Legion Rider. 18th Annual Chilli Cook-off

-8 Feb- 9:00AM- District Meeting/Oratorical at post 24 New Bern.

-13-15 Feb- Department of North Carolina Mid-Winter Conference.

-22 Feb- 10:00AM- Division Oratorical at post 543 St James

If you know of any events that would benefit Veterans please send details to the 1st Vice Commander and the Webmaster.